Tuesday, March 22, 2016

"this is water" (David Foster Wallace)

We want to be rhetorically strategic but not ethically hollow. We want to avoid "the default mode," but sometimes the default mode is so comfy we cannot fathom how to discover an alternative way of being or of responding to an event, trend, or phenomenon. 

Your Inventing Arguments assignment asks you to explore a rhetorical challenge you are currently facing. You need not choose some monumental thing. I like the way David Foster Wallace describes some of the mundane daily challenges we face "in the workaday world." His painfully truthful admissions, along with his creative and critical "adjustments" help demonstrate ways of thinking toward framing problems productively so that we may examine them honestly and critically and so that we may begin to see methods of *moving* beyond or altering our disposition for the better. 

Does the video help you see more clearly the challenge you'd like to explore? How? What are you thinking? How did the text help you to see differently? Explain in a thoughtful blog entry; title it something that harks back to "water."

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